You might have heard about the 18 inches of snow that Denver got right before Christmas. It was great! It ended up being 45 degrees on Christmas but we still had snow on the ground. The day of the big snow storm I made Cinnamon Rolls for some of our friends and we delivered them in the snow. Some people got a song too. We all agreed it was one of our favorite parts of our holiday.
Dashing through the snow.... |
On Christmas Eve Eve my new friend Helle from Denmark came over to show me how to make Rise Pudding for my
Scandinavian Christmas Eve. We had a great time and it was delicious!
I was very happy with my
Christmas Eve Menu but my favorite thing to eat that whole day was this:
Brie with Cherry Preserves and Walnuts!
We had a great night opening our presents. Our family was very generous and we enjoyed skyping with them so they could watch us open everything they sent.
Keith was very generous to me this year and I finally got the purse I've always wanted.
Now I'm terrified of getting it dirty!
I didn't get very many photos because the lighting in our apartment is so bad that they mostly turned out blurry. But I did snap this one. I captured the exact moment when Mallory realized that Uncle Robert loves Alex more than her because he bought him more presents.
I was really anxious about Christmas Morning because I knew that Mallory was going to be disappointed. She had asked Santa for a Pink Robot with 6 arms that makes cookies and does laundry. All month she never wavered.
She was not happy with the Pink Robot that turns into an ice cream truck.
All in all....the most popular gift was the stick on tape measure that
Aunt Bobbi sent Alex.
He stopped opening presents for 20 minutes so that he could go measure stuff and then Mallory was upset that SHE didn't get one.
I hope you all had a great holiday and are busy making your New Year's Resolutions!
Our Christmas 2011 Playlist
Santa Baby..Glee Cast
Last Christmas...Taylor Swift
Christmas Wrapping.....Glee Cast
Mistletoe..............................Justin Bieber
Dance of the Sugarplum Fairies..Harry Connick Jr
Extraordinary Merry Christmas...................Glee Cast
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas...........Ingrid Michaelson
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas..............Michael Buble