Thursday, December 3, 2009

Clearing up the rumors....

I didn't want my little secret to get out. I thought we were being careful and that no one would get hurt. It was so innocent. But I have a confession to make....

Tiger was with ME at Sitscation.

But it didn't work out between us because of his GIANT head and he's a little too handy...if you know what I mean.

In all seriousness....this is the last guy I expected to cheat on his hot wife.  What the heck?  From what I know about him...he came from a great family and was a stand up guy.  Does this mean that all men are susceptible to cheating if the opportunity presents itself? Does this mean that all celebrities can't resist when someone *likes* them?  Does this mean that I have a chance with Chris Gorham?


  1. Lol. Connie you are a hoot.

    And I don't think ALL men are potential cheaters, but I do think that most men can be very easily manipulated by sex.

    I could be wrong, but that's my take on it.

  2. Heheheheh GREAT pic! Looks like I really missed out on SITScation!

  3. HAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONNIE I LOVE YOU!!! this picture is AWESOME!!!! and man...that is quite that tata you have!! meow!

  4. I agree with you totally! I can't believe Tiger was cheating on me with you :)

    I do think that somethings are private, but I think you give up the right to a lot of that privacy when you're hawking us goods and personal image crap!!

    What's wrong with these guys?!! What you're hot wife doesn't get you? She's not a good listener? Cause I'm sure that's why you strayed...someone to listen and understand you and all your problems.

    Uh, I've kind of gone on a little bit haven't I...sorry.

    xoxo ~Lisa

  5. LOL!!

    I think the people who are put on a pedestal have a long way to drop and the media loves a good fall. My two cents.

  6. Submit your photo here and you could win!

    I know I sound like spam, but I heard about it on the radio this AM!

  7. LMOA! You are hilarious and yes I do believe so... sadly but true.

  8. Hahaha, great picture!

    He's probably still a good guy, just got lost in the bullshit somewhere along the way. I can't imagine living such a public life, having it ALL exposed to the world. Being a cheater is wrong in every way but I doubt he set out in his marriage thinking he'd ever end up there. Life changes people, it sucks. He can still golf a mean game though, and in the end, that's what will get him out of this. Look at Kobe Bryant and the rest of the list...

  9. Connie, I just have to say that I love you and darn you for coming clean. I was going to go to the press for a big pay off. Now how am I suppose to get my year supply of wine and coffee?

  10. LMAO, I even had to show that to the never fail to make me laugh.

  11. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!!

    Cute shirt :)

  12. I know! What a douche bag!

    All the golf finally turned his brain to mush. Seriously how often can you whack a ball with a stick before you go completely off the rails?

    And why do they always cheat with waitresses??????

  13. LOL! Glad I dropped by. You are toooo funny!

  14. HAHAHA! Connie, you crack me up every time! Good for you for coming clean. Honesty is the best policy.

  15. HAHAHA...that is so freakin' funny!!!!

  16. I soooooo needed that laugh right now! It has been a LONG week.

    I was really sad to learn about Tiger, I thought he was a really good guy! I wonder if this will hurt his game?

  17. Bwwwaahhhh!!! I knew it!!! I knew it had to be someone I knew that was at SITScation!!! Connie Connie Connie.... :: shakes head ::


  18. Lol, nice pic!

    I am pretty put out with Tiger myself. I thought he was better than that. I hate to say it, but I do think most men are like that, given the perfect opportunity. Not all, but a lot.

    And his wife is totally beautiful, so I don't know what his problem is. Maybe since he knows she is hotter than he is he feels the need to "one up" her. ?

  19. I don't think all men are susceptible, but I do think that they way people appear in public really isn't always the way they are in private.

    But I do think that after she took that club to his car he will think twice before doing it again.

  20. Poor Calvin- has to compete with Tiger???



  21. I know - I was shocked. I feel so bad for his wife.


  22. Oh my...that is too funny! Love it!!!!

  23. You too??!!! Man that Tiger has really been making the rounds!

    I just think it's classic that Elin was coming at him with a golf club. I'm sorry, but that's some funny crap right there.

  24. This was so funny Connie! Life around here has been crazy so I have only been following along in my reader BUT I had a momment and thought that I would stop by!

    Tiger certainly is grabby with you! Too funny!

    I think that when people have so much money that nothing is out of reach - it changes them. They want it all. Sad but not unexpected for me.

  25. GREAT pic! Looks like I really missed out on SITScation!

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  26. You've GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. He's cheating on me again? I was busy at work all this week and last...and to find this out? Well, I'm horrified, and I'm calling Gloria Allred to up my settlement demand.

    You can come hang with me on my private island in the Bahamas, cuz I love you and stuff.

  27. I thought I saw the two of you together. As always terrific posts that put a smile on my face.


I love you. You are my best friend! Your hair looks fantastic today!