Friday, January 25, 2008

The One About Mallory's Loot!

Mallory must be pretty special. Her Poopa and Her Uncle Robert gave her money for Christmas to be spent at Gymboree because Mommy just had to have an expensive outfit for her daughter's 1st birthday. If you don't have a daughter...then you probably don't understand. But if you have a girl...I'm sure you are right there with me, saying yes....the girl MUST have her outfit. You only turn ONE once after all.

Daddy....on the other hand. Did not see why his little princess needed such expensive duds. Maybe Daddys just aren't wired for such things.

Here is some of the loot that Me and Mallory bought with her money. You would think $200 would buy more right? It's okay. Because she is going to be the best dressed little girl in Northern Utah!

The Birthday Outfit!

1 comment:

  1. yes, little girls MUST have adorable cute outfits for their birthday. the kind of outfits that you inwardly cringe when something inevitably spills on them. and gymboree... yum.


I love you. You are my best friend! Your hair looks fantastic today!