Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday Haiku: Scenes From a Park

The park is usually Daddy's territory.  But when it's 70 degrees on March 9th....the park calls your house and invites you over.  

'The slides not hot!' it says.

I've been amazed by my kids the last few days. They are turning into little people and slowly making their way out into the world...and away from me.  I have to let them blossom and grow.  I'm ready.

I think.

I find it so interesting how my children drift in separate directions when we're in a setting like this.  Alex tends to find a stick and start digging for treasure and Mallory immediately finds a friend for life.  I flit between them as well as I can...I'm sure I look like the most expert helicopter parent.  

Mostly....I'm just observing.  I'm endlessly fascinated by their imaginations and what they talk about with their peers. 

I catch snippets of Mallory's conversation with Sally.  Who I find out later is almost three, here with her Grandmother, has a Mommy that works and gives her purple necklaces.  Mallory shares with her that she loves the Blue Man Group, is a fantastic cook and has a beautiful Mommy that blogs.  I laugh...because my daughter thinks blogging is my job.

I taught her well.

A little boy named Joey becomes enthralled with all things Alex.  They are nearly 2 feet and 3 years apart.  This small boy follows my son around and imitates everything he does, looking at him like he's the big man on campus.  My mind fast forwards to a day when this might be the case...tall and good looking, my boy has such potential.

Soon, it's time for Sally to leave and Mallory is devastated.  She runs to me crying her eyes out to not let her new best friend leave.  I hold her, wipe away tears and tell her that soon....she will have more friends than she knows what to do with and they will see each other every day.  I think ahead to the days when this will be true.  My girl is friendly and generous....she's going to be someone's BFF.


  1. I LOVE hearing merrick talk to others!!
    What a great park trip!

  2. First, that first picture is beautiful! I love the black & white, the blur, then sharp then bluer...great picture!

    Watching your kids grow up is both thrilling and terrifying!

    Another great Friday Haiku!

  3. What a fun peek into their developing personalities. I love the insights they shared with each other about their families. So cute!

  4. I love watching little children interact with one another. I used to teach preschool and I miss it terribly, some of the things they'd say to me and to eachother would crack me up for days.

    I'm jealous that you're somewhere that is having 70 degree weather right now! I want to go down a slide and get burned instead of crashing into a pile of snow!

  5. Colorado hasn't really had winter. Kids have only played in the snow once!

  6. Awww, park days are so fun! I can't wait for summer and park days.

  7. My kids do their own thing at the park too - and you're right, it is so fun just watching and listening to them. Wonderful haiku!!

  8. I think it's funny that our kiddos know that we blog. If Isaiah sees me in front of the computer, he'll ask me "are you done blogging yet?" To think that we didn't even have computers when we were their ages. My how times have changed. <---basically I'm saying that I'm freakin' old.

    LOVE the park pictures!! I'm so happy that spring is here...longer days, warmer weather...ahhhh.

  9. Parks bring back such happy memories for me of days gone by:( Enjoy those little personalties!

  10. Its so adorable to hear their conversations and see the way they interact with other kids...also sad as they pull away from us!

  11. Loooove going to the park! Great pics and of course another great Haiku!

  12. I can't wait for park days!!!! Ours is still buried in a foot of snow :(


I love you. You are my best friend! Your hair looks fantastic today!