Sunday, March 6, 2011

To Target We Will Go

After having an awesome lunch in Golden on Saturday...iKeith decided that we should go to the grand opening of the new fancy two-story Target in Belmar. I thought it would be really busy and crazy....but my husband is a gluten for punishment didn't care.

Meghan composed an original song on the way there.  It went like this.

Going to.  The Target Grand Opening!! 
Going to.  The Target Grand Opening!!
Erick can't go to.  The Target Grand Opening!!
I didn't meant it.
We're all going to.  The Target Grand Opening!!  

We got some Starbucks and then walked around enjoying the fancy, shiny new store!  I went to check out the restrooms and someone decided to ruin my brand new fancy Target experience by ridding it of its NEW TARGET SMELL.  Please tell me you know what I'm referring to and I'm not going to have to spell it out for you.

In other news...why can't people poop at home.

Check out the super fancy Target escalator.  And that guy in the hoodie that is giving me dirty looks.

The bottom layer contains the parking garage and the top level is the Target.  There are all of these CARPOOL spaces and I made iKeith park in one of them because, DUH we had the kids with us.  He thought we shouldn't park there.  So...what do you think?  Are these spots for people that are carpooling to work?  Or are they for people like me that think more than 1 person in a car is a carpool?  How many people do you know that carpool to Target?

Gosh, I hope no one took pictures of our GIANT SUV parked in the carpool spot....


  1. No brainer - if there is more than one person in the car it's a car pool. Doesn't matter where you're going or what you're doing. What a fabulous Target!!! I'm envious!

  2. Squeeeeeeeeeeee!!! That cart escalator?!?! I LOVE IT!
    And that douche, I mean dude, was totally mean mugging you!

  3. We have a two story WalMart! That also has a cart escalator, my friend and I took a special trip to it only to find out it was like any other WalMart just spread out over two floors. I bet Target does two floor stores better.

    To me carpool means, more than one person in the car. It's def not for people car pooling to work there, I'd assume those cars are parked fairly close to an entrance. Employees probably have to park ten miles away car pool or not!

  4. Ooooh, fancy schmancy! And yes, carpool is for more than one person in the car.

    LOVE M's song, by the way. There is a lot of singing that goes on in our car. A lot.

  5. we also have a fancy 2 story target here downtown minneapolis. i have yet to go there. but ... had to tell you that my friend and i TOTALLY carpool to target. because it's practically the only chance that we get to leisurely hang out anymore. plus ... dude. coffee ... so. worth. it.

  6. Oh, Target! How I wish we had one in Canada!

  7. Totally car pool worthy! I think that Target equals our IKEA outings.

  8. Yup... I agree that you qualify as a car pool!

    Am I the only one who thinks that guy is striking a zoolander pose?!?

  9. How can you hold your poop? Don't you have to poop when you have to poop. I've never understood the holding of the poop.

    I'm pretty sure I'm not smart enough to work that cart escalator.

    And y'all would have been allowed in the car pool lane on the freeway so there you go.

  10. That is the strangest sign ever. A special spot for people carpooling to Target, LOL! Yes, a car of 4 people qualifies in my book as a carpool.

    In Boulder we have "alternative fuel vehicle" special parking at the 29th St Mall. Of course, right? I officially miss the days of mommy/baby stroller parking.

  11. JennyKate would marry Target if she could so I know that she'll be super jealous of your Target store...minus the stench coming from the bathrooms of course. But who doesn't stink up public restrooms on occasion?

    I think the guy is giving you the "come hither" look. He must not know you're married because I'm pretty sure those are bedroom eyes. You know those eyes, right? Johnny used them A LOT in Dirty Dancing.

  12. Impulsive is right. I would marry Target if I could. If the opportunity ever arises, I think Michael knows there would be no question...especially if it's one with a Starbucks.

    That's my mothership.

    I LOVE the fancy Target!!! I'm way jealous. I love the fancy escelator w/ the basket thing in the middle. That's awesome.

    I'm going to Belmar. I love Colorado.

  13. P.S. Mallory's song cracked me up!

  14. Um WTH is that cart escalator for? What?? SO confused. Here in TX, the bigger the better and that doesn't mean we build upwards......


  15. Ah yes...that guy is giving me Blue Steel!

  16. love that target! We have a two story one around here and Z LOVES the cart escalator. So sorry to hear about the removal of the Connie Diaries :( Big hugs to you!

  17. M's song! You definitely qualify for the carpool spot with 4 in the vehicle.

  18. There are a couple of no brainers here:
    #1 Carpool is anything >2 passengers.
    #2 Of course poop at home! I don't understand people who can do this anywhere.
    #3 Mallory is HILARIOUS!

  19. OK pooping in public is less than desirable but sometimes it's also wasn't me ruining your new Target smell I promise!

    We have a grocery store that has one of those cart escalator, it's way cool. It's a Green/Organic grocery store and it's super cool!

  20. That is clearly the Mother of All Target's! And who carpools to Target? I'm thinking it's definitely a more than one person in the car kinda space, and kids count for like 5 each!


I love you. You are my best friend! Your hair looks fantastic today!