Happy Jen Lancaster Day!
I had this idea kicking around in my head a few weeks ago that May 5th should be Jen Lancaster Day. If you have been reading my blog for more than 5 minutes you probably know who Jen is and that she is my favorite author of all time. I have been reading her books for a couple months now and today her newest book Pretty in Plaid is coming out! What's that? May 5th is Cinco De Mayo? I think I can safely say that Mexico is not our best friend right now and we are much better off celebrating someone that doesn't give us the flu and make us die. Right?

I was so excited that I thought the whole day should be devoted to Jen and my quest to find her book. Find her book, you say? Yes. Here's the deal....in Utah, unless your book is about vampires....it is a little hard to find a funny, sassy book with cuss words in it. Dang it. See! I couldn't even cuss just then because I am in Utah. In fact, when my sister was here a few weeks ago....we searched high and low in Target for Such a Pretty Fat and finally found a copy on the bottom shelf.
Which brings me to my next order of business. I am going to put Jen's new book, Pretty in Plaid in front of all of the
And because it isn't a party without a theme...I am dressed in Plaid & Pearls today! I even unearthed my Fauxberry purse from the closet! And when I return home with my prized possession...I am going to have a White Russian! It will be 5 o'clock somewhere....

I'm also going to let you in on a little secret....for years it has been my dream to travel to Chicago and meet Oprah. Like if I were on my death bed and you asked me 'what do you want to do?' I would say....Eat Fried Chicken with Oprah! This is no longer my last dying wish. Now, I want to go to Chicago and meet Jen Lancaster.
I have a family vacation to Milwaukee planned in July and we are going to Chicago for one day. My family doesn't know it yet but they are going to help me locate and
So you know what you need to do today right? Get out there and buy Pretty in Plaid! Heck just buy all four books because they are all hilarious!
Hooray for Jen Lancaster day! If I wasn't wearing scrubs I'd be wearing plaid too.
ReplyDeleteI plan on going out and getting her new book today and hopefully I'll get to meet her when she's in Dallas next week!!
I fricking LOVE Jen L.
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ReplyDeleteHow fun! I am a huge reader and cannot believe I haven't read any of her books. What a great idea! I love your outfit - you're so cute!
I've never read Jen Lancaster either, but because of you I now have all four of her books on my Amazon wish list. See how inspirational you are?
ReplyDeleteYou are a nut. I still haven't read her books - but you keep reminding me. She should hire you as her social networking PR agent.
ReplyDeleteI need some good summer reads!
ReplyDeleteJen Lancaster, you say...? Never heard of her.
ReplyDeleteLove the plaid. Good job rearranging Target's bookshelves. I did that once, but it was a bit different... I turned all of Ann Coulter's books over so the cover didn't show.
heh heh.
Did I mention I get to see her twice!!!??? Not rubbing it in. I'm just sayin'....
Is Jen Lancaster paying you? She should.
ReplyDeleteShe's lucky to have such a loyal fan! I'll try to read one of her books... :)
I LOOOOOVE her books, she is so funny! She does and says all the things I wish I had the ladyballs to do.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I don't get that about Twilight. (Love the books, though!) You'd think Mormons would be more concerned with someone writing blasphemous things about immortal life than someone bitching and throwing the f word around sometimes. Okay, a lot of times. But still.....
Jen Lancaster is one of my favorites! I just finished Bright Lights, Big Ass and am waiting for my friend to get off her *ss and give me Such A Pretty Fat.
ReplyDeleteYou are so fun - always stirring it up a little out there in Utah. They are better off because of you:)
ReplyDeleteI too love Jen!! She is awesome. I am gonna be in Chicago in July as well. We can stalk her together! :)
ReplyDeleteI absolutely freakin love Jen Lancaster and can't wait to read her new book!
ReplyDeleteYour blog is hilarious!
I'm so excited! I pre-ordered her book several months ago and it was shipped yesterday! Also, she is going to be in Dallas on May 11 and I am so there! I even took off of work early so I can meet my mom to go stand in line. Would it be obivous that I didn't have an "appointment" if I leave with crimped hair?
ReplyDeleteOh yeah...I also found your blog through her website when she posted your 80s picture. :)
ReplyDeleteI agree. She is frickin hysterical. I am ashamed to admit that I forgot her book was coming out today. Mostly because the short people in my house are obsessed with Percy Jackson and THAT came out today, too.
ReplyDeleteA) Cute pic!
ReplyDeleteB) You've convinced me to purchase this book. You and I are quite a bit alike so I have a good feeling that I'll enjoy this book too.
C) White Russian...again, woman after my own heart.
D) How the freak are your workouts going this week? Sorry I've been a texting slacker...I'll pick it up again tomorrow. Pinky Promise.
E) Time for me to pour a glass of wine for myself. It's 4:20pm Central, but 5:20pm Eastern. Clocks don't lie. For real.
F) I miss you!
Jen would be way more fun than Oprah. I'm almost done with my first Jen Lancaster book and then I'm reading Bitter is the New Black. I'm sure I'm reading them out of order but they are so hilarious!
ReplyDelete"Oprah can suck it." HI-larious!!
ReplyDeleteAnother blogger recently recommended Jen Lancaster books to me. I can't wait to get my hands on some to kill time this summer!
LOL! Even the titles of her books sound funny! Happy Jen Lancaster Day!
ReplyDeleteYeah for Jen! I am bummed on Oprah these days with all this pushing of shitty food, hello Oprah giving away KFC! Terrible, terrible! Go Plaid!
ReplyDeleteOMG I am so glad I found your blog because you crack me up!!! Now I have to read these books!!! They sound like they are my kind of chick lit!!! I have been told Such a Pretty Fat is a great book. I hadn't heard of her other books but now I want to read them all!
ReplyDeleteSo did you find it?! I'm a few pages in and it's hilarious...