I spend a lot of time online. I blog and read blogs, I twitter and facebook. I love interacting with other mom's on the internet and I frequently spend time researching recipes and crafts and I could spend a whole day on Etsy! My iPhone is never far from my reach and I feel lost when it is plugged in recharging. The other day...I went to Lowe's and realized I had left my phone at home...and I felt like I lost a body part!
This feels like a problem. An addiction that I need to get under control.
I sometimes think about all of the stuff I could be doing if I wasn't so attached to these things. I have so many books that I want to read and things I want to do and crafts I want to make.....
Summer is around the corner and there will be less time online because I have big plans for the kids and we will have a garden to water and there will be lots of walks and playing. My kids are so young and so much fun and I don't want to waste any time that I should be spending with them. Time is passing much to fast.....
And another wake up call? My daughter is always saying...Listen To Me! Perhaps I'm not doing enough listening and my attention is not where it should be....
It seems like the perfect time to start to wean myself from my desk chair....and my couch!
I read this post today and I'm taking the challenge. One day in May...completely unplugged!

Who wants to join me?
awesome!!! I can't wait to read about it!
ReplyDeleteWhat a FABULOUS idea!! I'm so looking forward to hearing about your day :)
ReplyDeleteI was just thinking about Jim Croce the other day...I love his work and wish he had had the chance to do more!
Okay, I can probably unplug for one day. It will be an interesting challenge for sure! Then we can all blog about it the very next day to see how we all survived! Fun!
ReplyDeleteGood for you. Being online can be an addiction. I know I have a problem when I start feeling more obligation to be online than at home. That's when I know it's time to scale back a bit.
ReplyDeletei'll give it some thought. LOL! My iPhone is definitely an appendage. Kinda bums me out.
ReplyDeleteConnie - it's like you've read my mind. I started my blog as a diversion in January, and it has sort of become this thing that has sort of taken over all my free time - posting to my blog, reading other blogs, writing comments, following up on email. It's probably why Sarah's started in with 'I NEED you! Are you on the computer?'
ReplyDeleteI LOVE all the fun people I've connected with and have gotten so many great ideas, but I feel like I need to back off a bit (hence no post since Monday!) I tend to get OCD when I like something :-) so I am totally IN on May 20th - UNPLUGGED I will be! (Even if I then post about it later - hee hee!)
That is a very good idea! We should all make a pact to unplug on that day! I wonder what would happen. It would be like some kind of movie and we would change the course of history through some kind of time flux continuum...I really don't know what I am saying right now!
ReplyDeleteI love this idea and I think it is probably something I should try, too (though, if that is a weekday I will have to pick a different day since I have no choice but to be plugged in at work...ugh!). I hope you don't decide to stay away too long, though...I have just recently discovered your blog and I am enjoying it! :-)
ReplyDeleteKristen! I'm only doing it for the one day...I would like to do it once a month and maybe a couple times a month eventually.
ReplyDeleteGood for you!! I think it's a fabulous idea. I often feel the need to unplug also. I'm glad no one is counting on me to blog everyday!
ReplyDeleteI had a blog that I started in August last year and I quit in December b/c I felt too attached, among other things. I totally get why you feel the need to unplug. I felt so overexposed, that I HAD to reply to everyone, that I had to visit my entire blogroll, and had to post something great everyday and spent waaayyy too much time doing this and totally burned out. So I just quit cold turkey and disappeared. Now I visit a few faves and don't have a public blog anymore.
ReplyDeleteLove that idea! Can't wait to hear how it goes. Maybe I'll have to give it go one day (on a weekend... work would kill me if I sat around and did nothing all day! LOL)
ReplyDeleteYou know what...I'm in! What day?
ReplyDeleteI will! What a great idea. I need to get my time more balanced too.
PS - have fun on your trip. It's this weekend, right?
Sounds like a great idea! We all get sucked into this kind of stuff and need a day to be removed from it all. I love a day with no tv, not internet, no phone. Just me and my book. And I try to do it as often as possible.
ReplyDeleteI received the Yo Gabba Gabba DVD today thanks!!
ReplyDeletebe sure to check out my giveaway too!!
Um.... you've said this before and it hasn't happened yet.
ReplyDeleteI hate to be a Debbie Downer, but I'll believe it when I see it, or don't see it in this case.
I'm planning to do this at the end of July when we go to the beach for a week. Last year I would go to the internet once a day (I was new to blogging - so it was pretty easy to check e-mail and respond to comments). But this year I'll just set up some posts in advance and not think about it until I come back. Should be interesting...delerium tremons anyone?
ReplyDeleteThat is such a good idea. I would adore doing something like that but since I work for an internet company and unplugging would be the equivalent to "please fire me", I'll just live vicarioiusly through you! Enjoy the quiet and your children!