Monday...more potty training that came to an abrupt stop when a ball of poo rolled across my living room floor. Major Potty Training Fail! The kids played with their dyed pasta. Next week I will introduce GLUE! I also discovered my new favorite thing...Cold Brewed Iced Coffee.

Tuesday...we went to the Union Station Museum and purchased a Season Pass. This pass will allow us access to the train museum, Ogden Nature Center and the Dinosaur Park for a full year. Also 10% off all items at the gift shop which had some adorable goodies in it. This special pass is a well kept secret that I am letting out of the bag! This offer is only good at the Union Station. We walked around a bit looking at the trains and the kids enjoyed their first Junior Mint in front of the fountain. Now we will have plenty to keep us busy this summer!
Wednesday... Potty training has been suspended until further notice. We were supposed to go to the Ogden Nature Center but I woke up with a migraine and it was a little chilly so we cancelled. That night, I went to dinner with my friend Loralee who is about to have a baby boy named Aaron! We spent four hours eating, talking and laughing! It was just what I needed....
I have very little recollection of Thursday. Why do Thursday's do this to me? I do know that I made a very good choice and turned down pizza and asked Calvin to bring me a sandwich from Subway! YAY me!
Friday...rain! All morning. The afternoon brought sunshine! We went out for iced cream and then the kids played in the backyard until bedtime...they slept like logs!

Have a great week!
What a busy, productive week! And yay for the potty training. I'm glad it's going so well!
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy and proud of you guys for doing the walk. How great! And can't wait to see pics of your new haircut!
Have a great Sunday!
Busy, no?
ReplyDeleteThe ball of poo rolling across the floor had me in stitiches.
I had neighbors who were at a party and watched their little boy (from across the room) wiggle, shake a poo poo out of his pants leg,onto his shoe, kick it to the side and then go get back to the party. He was 15 though, so kind of gross...
(Kidding. He was 3.)
(True story, though.)
Wow! What a week :) Oooh potty training. I think we are starting that next week (I have been saying that for months...a year?). My plan is to get all my supplies, bribes (I mean prizes) and charts ready this week and start next. I have to be really scares me! I look forward to reading more about your trials and successes :)
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great week! "Potty training has been suspended until further notice," cracked me up. I understand...
ReplyDeleteyou guys sure keep busy!!
ReplyDeleteYou may need to share that recipe for that cold brewed coffee. My mouth waters every time you talk about it. Is it low-cal?
ReplyDeleteYou'd think that with all the enticement of Thomas, Alex would be jumping on the potty each time he has to go.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad all I have to do right now is halter train a colt. I'm done with potty training ANYTHING for a long time!
Oh my, it's so funny to distill your week down to a few highlights, isn't it? Potty training - ugh, I am not looking forward to that, I hope it goes better for you than my #2 did. #3 shows no interest yet, but I'm hopeful, maybe this summer!
ReplyDeleteWow!!! What a week!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't have kids but I take care of my nephew a lot so I can kinda relate to the potty training thing...yeah, sooo happy we are past that!!! :-) But i do remember Thomas the Train being a VERY good motivator, too!
Have a great week!!!
Oh lord, potty training. Blah! I'm glad you didn't make yourself stick with it if you weren't feeling it. I bailed when it didn't happen instantly and I was glad, I'd rather change diapers!