Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mourning the End of Naptime

As of today....we are doing something new that I wasn't prepared to do.

Alex will no longer be taking a nap.

I've been struggling for weeks to get him to sleep in the afternoon but he keeps going into Mallory's room and screwing around and keeping her from sleeping.  I've used every single Super Nanny trick I know to get him to stop but it just doesn't.

We took all of the toys out of his room, took away the tent over his bed and one by one we removed his stuffed animal family.  It's like he doesn't care if these things are taken away.

Yesterday, he took a bottle of lotion into his sister's room and squirted it all over and then after being put back to bed, took a giant bottle of baby powder to her room and spread it everywhere.

I really, really needed a drink.

We ended up deciding that maybe he doesn't need to rest and the only way to make sure that Mallory gets a good nap is to stop his naps.

This, however, is not making Mama very happy.  I use the naptime (when children are actually sleeping) to get housework done and watch The Young and The Restless.  Now I feel like I don't have MY time anymore and will have to find things to keep him entertained.

I really, really need a drink.....

EDITED: I wrote this last night...after a very long day.  As I was going to bed last night, I peeked in on Alex and watched him sleep and realized that this is an opportunity for me to spend some quality one on one time with my son.  I will find things for us to do and we will have a great time together.  I was looking at this all wrong....

Have a great day!


  1. That is a hard transition but like you said, you'll enjoy some fun time with him. Before you know it, he'll be in school all day!

  2. What a great way to look at doubt he'll enjoy his special time with you :)

  3. lol, I don't think you were looking at it wrong at all! I was so bummed when Ro stopped napping when he was 3, but it was the only way Ez was going to nap. Now Ez is toying with no naps, i may lose my mind then!

  4. ohhh, you know what will be worse? When MALLORY stops napping. My Mallory is so close to being done with napping and I am not ready for a no nap household!

  5. Did you think about moving his bed time back? I mean if you really need the time during the day more. Baby Girl HAS to take a nap at school. They will not let her do something else, but she just doesn't need that much sleep so we put her to bed a little later than most kids her age go to bed. Just an idea.

  6. Hope you and your son find some fun ways to pass the time. :) And that you find a new way to get 'me' time.

  7. Aww...good for you to have that realization- I was totally with you on lost ME time!!!!

    I always have sweet sentimental thoughts when I peek on my kids before going to bed too......


  8. Kyle's naptime ended around 2 1/2. I didn't mind so much, but he was my only child then. If I had more than one I would have been sad for sure. Yes, it will be a great time for mother-son one on one, good thinking there!

  9. Both Sierra and Makenna quit napping beore they were two, and it made me sad at first. But I'm so happy you've found the good in it. Special time alone with your son is such a treasure.

  10. You are so sweet Connie, and it will be great time for the two of you to have 1-1 time. And then in a few years (or sooner) he'll be in preschool or kindergarten and you'll get that 1-1 time with Mallory! :)

  11. I love the edit! Definitely a good way to look at the loss of nap time!

  12. I know, I was always sad when there was no more nap time! Mine would never nap after they turned three.

    I love that you are thinking about it as a special time with Alex.


  13. It IS a hard transition when they no longer nap; but they still may need some down, 'quiet' time; and so do you. I do my cleaning when the kids are awake - this is the real world, and magic fairies don't make the house clean, mommy does & I think it's important that they see that - and help if at all possible (easier said than done). Then you can spend some special time with Alex while Mallory naps, and also let him have some solitary time too. Boredom breeds imagination :) I talk a big game, but follow-through is hard. I'm thrilled that at 3 yrs and 3 months Sarah is still napping & will be REALLY sad to see it go!

  14. Always a tough transition. Hannah stopped napping shortly after her 2'cd birthday and I could not believe she did it at such a young age. But she was done. I tried to keep them too but if she did actually fall asleep she'd just stay awake in bed that much later at night. I am hoping Eli makes it a little longer before he gives them up! Have fun coming up with some fun things to do with Alex!

  15. And somedays when I was going insane, I would institute "quiet time" in their bedrooms. I could be a better mommy if I was recharged:)

  16. I cried for two weeks when the twins stopped napping at two & a half. It wasn't about 'me' time it was about my sanity! So the boys still had to spend 1 hour playing in their room. Of course they were my youngest so I didn't have the waking problem... Have fun making memories during your special time with Alex!

  17. Losing the naps are tough...especially when you are losing you time along with it. My oldest stopped napping when i was 3 months pregnant with my youngest...when I really needed to nap. You'll adjust...we all do eventually. Good Luck

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  19. Some days are incredibly frustrating in Motherhood. Looks like the first part of your post was written on one of those days. Good job on changing your outlook. Hugs.

  20. It's hard to lose that short period of quiet me time. I feel the pinch in the summer when my oldest isn't in school.

  21. I am dreading the day that Madaline no longer take a nap. I am not ready for that yet.

  22. Sometimes it's hard to see the bigger picture when we're ran down and exhausted. Hope these non-nap times turn into a good time together.

    p.s. hope you still get that drink ;)

  23. I remember when Nikolaus no longer took naps, I first thought it was awful (my soap of choice was General Hospital). Then I had the same epiphany as you... and Nik and I used to play card, color in his coloring books, and loved to play battleship.
    You'll have a great time!

  24. Oh god, girl, I mourned the end of naps for weeks. Don't feel bad. I do love your new attitude though.

  25. I'm glad you are being so positive about it.

    I remember when the napping ending. It made a very long day for all of us.

  26. I'm so sorry for your loss. I am still mourning the loss of Bella's naps 340 days ago. If it wasn't for preschool, I would be in the looney bin by now.


I love you. You are my best friend! Your hair looks fantastic today!