Thursday, July 12, 2012

Somebody Loves Me...or Pizza

To say that my daughter is excited to start Kindergarten is an understatement.  She was ready a year ago when her brother was getting ready to go.  She couldn't understand why he could attend she wasn't old enough.

This girl is so ready!

The other day, the kids were working hard on something that was TOP SECRET.  It ended up being a scavenger hunt for me and I had to find three pieces of paper that were hidden in different locations.  For a hint, I could push a button on my children and a robotic voice would give me a clue.

It took me forever to find them but it was worth it.

Each piece of paper had a drawing on it and the words I LOVE MOMMY.  This one was my favorites.

That is either a dog (or chicken) pooping.  We don't own either so it's wishful thinking on Mallory's part.

Alex has been communicating with me via the written word too.  During Mallory's gymnastic class this week he got hungry and decided to make a note explaining what he was hungry for.

And since he did such a great job....I ordered pizza for dinner.

Linking up with Emmy Mom and Kmama for Proud Mommy Moments.


  1. a chicken pooping hahahaha and we talk in robot voice a lot :)

    1. Everything sounds funnier when you speak like a robot.

  2. When my daughter was writing her letter to Santa this year her R's looked like a baby chicken. I love watching her grow and learn! Now I want pizza for dinner! Thanks for the idea!

  3. Awe so cute!! EVen the pooping dog is cute :) Love when kids are so creative and invent little games like that.
    Great PMM! Thanks so much for linking up

  4. TOO cute!! My mom loves digging up our old "journals" from Kindergarten, Grade One...the funniest stuff in there!!

    1. I'm going to be keeping everything they write!!

  5. My favorite thing to read is stuff that Hayden write's. I love his words and stories.

  6. I love that picture. How cute. And I would have totally ordered pizza for dinner too!

    Thanks for linking up!

  7. That pooping dog/chicken cracks me up. I was trying to think of a funny way to combine those animals and all I got was dicken. That just sounds inappropriate. :o)

  8. That dog or chicken or whatever thing it hysterical! What a fun imagination.

  9. LOL, I love that she drew an animal pooping. :-)

  10. Reminding you that animals come with poop is not the best strategy if Mallory is wanting a dog or a chicken! Love the pizza, looks like he is a cheese lover!

  11. A scavenger hunt for mom - that is so cute!!

  12. How adorable of your kids to make that for you.
    They have learned from the best how to do crafty things to show how much they are loved.
    Hope the pizza was yummy!


I love you. You are my best friend! Your hair looks fantastic today!