Thursday, May 29, 2008
What I'm Thankful For....

I'm reading the book The Creative Family by Amanda Blake Soule and am slowly adding her ideas into our daily lives. Some of the ideas will have to wait until the kids are older but I know that I will be referring to this book for many years. One of the ideas I'm most excited about so far is gratitude.
As this week is wrapping up I want to focus on what I am grateful for.
That my children are safe and healthy, that there are laws in place to protect their lives.
Sunny Days after the rain.
My husband's job...for now.
Reality Television
Sleeping in for an hour.
Cream in black coffee.
Pots de Creme.....
What are you grateful for this week?
Monday, May 26, 2008
Anger Management!

Alex has started do this thing when he is mad.
He throws down whatever he is holding and spits out his pacifier if he has it in his mouth, his face loses all expression, his body goes limp and he closes his eyes. This means I am mad at you...don't talk to me. He does this for about 15-20 seconds and then he is fine, picks up his stuff and moves on.
We were in the car, on our way to Salt Lake this weekend when Steve announced that he had forgotten his iPhone and we had to go back home. I decided to be funny and do what Alex does and shut my eyes and went limp. And it came to me.
He is counting to 10!
My little man is using anger management techniques!
Now...if he can just teach Mallory!

I'm Moving to IKEA!
Have you been to this place? IKEA? It is the coolest place and I can't believe that Utah has one. This should really be a lesson to us that we need to venture beyond our comfort zone because we had never been further than the middle of Salt Lake and that was just for a quick trip to buy a crib for Mallory. We thought south Salt Lake was too far.
We discovered that Draper is the promised land*. It is new and fresh and has a huge mall and other shopping. Shopping as far as the eye can see. We drove through with our faces pressed up against the window! And then we got to is such a pretty blue color. We looked at all kinds of things and found some great stuff for the kids. An art easel and some other toys. I found the bed that I want to get for Alex in a few months when he is ready to move to a big boy bed. There is just so much to see!! I can't wait to go back.
We decided to try a new sushi restaurant that I had read about. It is called Tsunami. It is wonderful!! They had all of the fish that we love and they had quail egg. Everything tasted great including the bento box of teriyaki chicken and veggies that we got for the kids. If you have the chance to go...try the Tsunami Martini, it is amazing. The Manager signed us up for the VIP club so we are going to be regulars now. We can't wait to go back.
While we were looking for the restaurant...we found Utah's first Whole Foods Store. I was so excited that I almost peed my pants. We drove past the store on our way out of the area just to make sure it was real and I felt something I haven't felt in Utah since we have been here. I felt just a little bit happy to be here. Steve thinks it was the Martini.
I-80 is undergoing major construction and we couldn't figure out how to get back on the highway so we decided to go a different way. Using the goggle map on the iPhone...I found a street that went to I-15. I am so glad for this detour because we made a fabulous discovery.
Liberty Park!
Some say Liberty Park is the Central Park of Salt Lake. There is a pond, ducks, an amusement park, an all-abilities playground and The Seven Canyons Fountain with a children's wading pool and canyons for them to explore.
Also at this park is Tracy Aviary, a bird sanctuary with over 400 birds from 135 different species. Alex loves both birds and water so we can't wait to take him back to this park!
Here is a picture of Alex and Steve dressed alike. They are Rebel Rousers!! Go ARMY! Steve graduated from West Point 23 years ago this weekend!

* promised land = A longed-for place where complete satisfaction and happiness will be achieved.
We discovered that Draper is the promised land*. It is new and fresh and has a huge mall and other shopping. Shopping as far as the eye can see. We drove through with our faces pressed up against the window! And then we got to is such a pretty blue color. We looked at all kinds of things and found some great stuff for the kids. An art easel and some other toys. I found the bed that I want to get for Alex in a few months when he is ready to move to a big boy bed. There is just so much to see!! I can't wait to go back.
We decided to try a new sushi restaurant that I had read about. It is called Tsunami. It is wonderful!! They had all of the fish that we love and they had quail egg. Everything tasted great including the bento box of teriyaki chicken and veggies that we got for the kids. If you have the chance to go...try the Tsunami Martini, it is amazing. The Manager signed us up for the VIP club so we are going to be regulars now. We can't wait to go back.
While we were looking for the restaurant...we found Utah's first Whole Foods Store. I was so excited that I almost peed my pants. We drove past the store on our way out of the area just to make sure it was real and I felt something I haven't felt in Utah since we have been here. I felt just a little bit happy to be here. Steve thinks it was the Martini.
I-80 is undergoing major construction and we couldn't figure out how to get back on the highway so we decided to go a different way. Using the goggle map on the iPhone...I found a street that went to I-15. I am so glad for this detour because we made a fabulous discovery.
Liberty Park!
Some say Liberty Park is the Central Park of Salt Lake. There is a pond, ducks, an amusement park, an all-abilities playground and The Seven Canyons Fountain with a children's wading pool and canyons for them to explore.
Also at this park is Tracy Aviary, a bird sanctuary with over 400 birds from 135 different species. Alex loves both birds and water so we can't wait to take him back to this park!
Here is a picture of Alex and Steve dressed alike. They are Rebel Rousers!! Go ARMY! Steve graduated from West Point 23 years ago this weekend!

* promised land = A longed-for place where complete satisfaction and happiness will be achieved.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
We're Going To IKEA!!
Oh me, oh my....oh me, oh my!!
We're going to IKEA!
Hubby wanted to ride the new light rail train downtown and go to the children's museum and then go to have sushi but we can't do both and I'm nervous about riding the train and I don't want to ride the stupid Utah train that doesn't run on Sundays. And we can't do both because the museum doesn't open until 10am and I'm not paying $40 for an hour and a half of Griswold family fun.
So....I found another sushi place to try from the Best of SLC list and it is close to the IKEA.
OoOOOOOOoooOOOOOoooOOOOooo I am so excited!
I am going to buy potties for the kids and all kinds of other swedish crap!
Maybe some swedish meatballs!
We're going to IKEA!
Hubby wanted to ride the new light rail train downtown and go to the children's museum and then go to have sushi but we can't do both and I'm nervous about riding the train and I don't want to ride the stupid Utah train that doesn't run on Sundays. And we can't do both because the museum doesn't open until 10am and I'm not paying $40 for an hour and a half of Griswold family fun.
So....I found another sushi place to try from the Best of SLC list and it is close to the IKEA.
OoOOOOOOoooOOOOOoooOOOOooo I am so excited!
I am going to buy potties for the kids and all kinds of other swedish crap!
Maybe some swedish meatballs!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Rain, Rain....Go Away!

Rain, Rain...Go Away
Alex wants to go out and play.
He can't believe his toys are wet.
Watching the wind blow has caused him to fret.

I baked some cookies to help him cope.
They worked for minute but now he mopes.

Come back sun and warmer weather!
Alex and Mallory want to play together!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Playing Is Hard Work!
We had a great playdate with the Mom's Group this morning even though two bus loads of children were dropped off from a preschool while we were there! And this week, Monica and her little one's Arthur and Juliet came and Margo's 7 year old twins Pryce and Chandler joined us! We had three Mommies and 7 kiddos! We were also accident free! Whoo Hoo!
What I can't figure how Mom's are supposed to watch their kids and talk to each other at the same time. I guess it takes practice.
Both Alex and Mallory got to swing and Alex went down the big kids slide and it looked like he had been shot out of a cannon! It looked so funny!
Margo announced that she is pregnant with her 6th baby!! I am so jealous. Maybe her baby dust will rub off on me!
Again. Mallory fell asleep in the car on the way home but this time she didn't wake up when we got out of the car.
I think this is the sign of a great playdate!

She missed out on a fabulous lunch from Taco Bell! I enjoyed a Mango Strawberry Frutista Freeze and it was amazing!! You must get one. TODAY! Do not delay! There is a coupon for a FREE one on their website. Check here. Then click on the strawberry.
Wanna see the sleeping angel again? I thought you did.
What I can't figure how Mom's are supposed to watch their kids and talk to each other at the same time. I guess it takes practice.
Both Alex and Mallory got to swing and Alex went down the big kids slide and it looked like he had been shot out of a cannon! It looked so funny!
Margo announced that she is pregnant with her 6th baby!! I am so jealous. Maybe her baby dust will rub off on me!
Again. Mallory fell asleep in the car on the way home but this time she didn't wake up when we got out of the car.
I think this is the sign of a great playdate!

She missed out on a fabulous lunch from Taco Bell! I enjoyed a Mango Strawberry Frutista Freeze and it was amazing!! You must get one. TODAY! Do not delay! There is a coupon for a FREE one on their website. Check here. Then click on the strawberry.
Wanna see the sleeping angel again? I thought you did.

Monday, May 19, 2008
Who Stole My Cheese?
You know those Handi Snack Cheese and Cracker packs? When I was a kid, there was a little compartment of plastic cheese, some crackers and a little red stick for spreading your cheese onto your cracker. Well, now they make them with little bread sticks and I thought they would be perfect for Alex since he lives on cheese (and bananas and cereal).
He didn't like it.
So...I decided to try one. Relive my childhood with a little snack. When the monkey stole it from me.
That is applesauce in his hair. He and Mal had applesauce facials for lunch!
By the way, Hubby says that he didn't like these as a child and he had to acquire the taste for plastic cheese. He also hates with a passion those orange cheese and peanut butter crackers and has nightmares that he is the last man on earth and finds a vending machine that only contains these crackers.
He didn't like it.
So...I decided to try one. Relive my childhood with a little snack. When the monkey stole it from me.
That is applesauce in his hair. He and Mal had applesauce facials for lunch!
By the way, Hubby says that he didn't like these as a child and he had to acquire the taste for plastic cheese. He also hates with a passion those orange cheese and peanut butter crackers and has nightmares that he is the last man on earth and finds a vending machine that only contains these crackers.
Friday, May 16, 2008
See, See My Playmate!

See, See my playmate,
Come out and play with me
And bring your dollies three
Climb up my apple tree
Slide down my rain barrel
Into my cellar door
And we'll be jolly friends
Forever more!!
Since Mom's Club didn't want me...I decided to form my own club and put an ad for Mommy Friend's Wanted on Here is what it says.
Hi! I'm a married mom of two brilliant children looking for people to chat and eat delicious, preferably chocolate desserts with. The ideal friends will have passion for parenting and a great sense of humor. A love of reality television and a willingness to get out of your pajamas and go to the park with the kids is a must. I'm a Mom's Club Reject that is fairly new to Utah and needs some adult conversation. I like hanging out with my husband but I need some real friends!
I have a 2-year old boy and a 1-year old girl and they would like to meet some like-minded children to play and eat cookies with. We are looking forward to a fun summer of going to the pool, parks and other fun activities!
If you would like to meet up for some summer fun and make some friends, please contact me! If you have been rejected by Mom's Club you are welcome here! Come to a Moms Meetup to share experiences, find advice, give support and make new friends. All moms are welcome!

You should have heard the squeal that came out of Alex's mouth when we turned into the parking lot of the park. He was so excited!! Here he is just after he and Elle greeted each other. I think he was jealous of the size of her pacifier!

Alex pulled me over to the swings and I put him on one of the big kid swings and told him to hang on tight!! He did great! Then when we were walking back to the group...he broke free and ran back...running right in front of a kid that was swinging. I can still see it happening if I close my eyes. The swinging kid's Dad and I were both running to Alex but neither of us could get to him in time. BAM. Alex was hit and knocked to the ground. Good thing little kids are made of rubber!! He is fine Nana....just has a mark on the side of his head. An expired juice box and some yogurt covered raisins and he was all better!
It's 73 degrees and sunny in Dallas today!
Only 22 more days until Grandma and Grandpa come to visit!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Coloring and More Presents!

I have been practicing using my new camera and got some shots of the the kids coloring yesterday. Well, Alex was coloring. Alex was having a crayon snack.

I just can't get that girl to stop eating crayons! She would like to share this green crayon with you...don't mind the slobber.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Boarding Preschools & Margaritas
My first couple days back from Texas were hard for me and the kids. I was used to doing whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted and so where they.
Before I left, Alex had started this darling habit of taking his pants and diaper off all the time. I understand that he doesn't like being wet and I told him to let me know when he is wet and I will change his diaper but he likes taking it off himself and then streaking through the family room or sitting on Tickle Me Elmo which I find very disturbing.
Anyway, this particular day, he took his diaper off when he was in his crib for a nap. I didn't go up to him when he woke up right away because I was busy eating bon-bons and watching The Hills but when I did, I immediately knew something was terribly wrong because of the stench! There was poop. And it was everywhere. I think he will make a great finger painter when I decide to let him make that big of a mess.
I cleaned him and his room up and got him dressed in a new outfit. He was playing quietly in the family room so I decided to run outside to get the mail like I always do around 3:42pm. I go out the front door because if I have a package the mailman leaves it there. It is not very far to the mailbox...just to the end of the driveway and I have very long legs and am not one to dawdle. I returned to my front door and it would not open.
I ran around to the garage which Hubby often leaves unlocked (but not anymore) and came in through the side door and found my darling little 2 year old boy in the kitchen with his arms into a drawer that he is not supposed to be in.
He looked extremely surprised to see me. I went over to the front door to see why it wouldn't open and the lock had been turned just a little bit. Just enough to keep the door from opening.
My little darling, sweet 2 year old boy had locked me out of the house so he could get into the silverware drawer.
I ordered his sweet little butt downstairs and he shook his head violently and yelled NO! I put him in a time out and did an internet search for Boarding Preschools. I think we will need an alternative to Juvy!!
A few days later....Alex comes to me all smiles and says CRAP. I asked him if he needed a diaper change? He tells me No. I asked if he has poop? He says No. Big Smile. I then look across the family room floor to see that he had pulled the poop out of this diaper and left it for Mallory to play with.
And this is why I have graduated from Wine to Margaritas!!
Before I left, Alex had started this darling habit of taking his pants and diaper off all the time. I understand that he doesn't like being wet and I told him to let me know when he is wet and I will change his diaper but he likes taking it off himself and then streaking through the family room or sitting on Tickle Me Elmo which I find very disturbing.
Anyway, this particular day, he took his diaper off when he was in his crib for a nap. I didn't go up to him when he woke up right away because I was busy eating bon-bons and watching The Hills but when I did, I immediately knew something was terribly wrong because of the stench! There was poop. And it was everywhere. I think he will make a great finger painter when I decide to let him make that big of a mess.
I cleaned him and his room up and got him dressed in a new outfit. He was playing quietly in the family room so I decided to run outside to get the mail like I always do around 3:42pm. I go out the front door because if I have a package the mailman leaves it there. It is not very far to the mailbox...just to the end of the driveway and I have very long legs and am not one to dawdle. I returned to my front door and it would not open.
I ran around to the garage which Hubby often leaves unlocked (but not anymore) and came in through the side door and found my darling little 2 year old boy in the kitchen with his arms into a drawer that he is not supposed to be in.
He looked extremely surprised to see me. I went over to the front door to see why it wouldn't open and the lock had been turned just a little bit. Just enough to keep the door from opening.
My little darling, sweet 2 year old boy had locked me out of the house so he could get into the silverware drawer.
I ordered his sweet little butt downstairs and he shook his head violently and yelled NO! I put him in a time out and did an internet search for Boarding Preschools. I think we will need an alternative to Juvy!!
A few days later....Alex comes to me all smiles and says CRAP. I asked him if he needed a diaper change? He tells me No. I asked if he has poop? He says No. Big Smile. I then look across the family room floor to see that he had pulled the poop out of this diaper and left it for Mallory to play with.
And this is why I have graduated from Wine to Margaritas!!
Why I haven't written!
Things have been just a wee bit crazy around here. I have been home for two weeks and it has taken this long to get back into our routine. I left a detailed list of instructions for Hubby when I left for Rehab and when I asked him how it first he said nothing. And then he said that his Mom got on his case for not sticking to the routine. I'm well aware that my husband isn't fond of routine and on the weekends I loosen up the reins and try to be more flexible but there really is a reason for my madness.
Anyway, we were on our way to getting readjusted when the sickness came. Again, Daddy didn't follow Mommy's rules and hands were not cleaned after going to the park and touching all of the surfaces that other kids dirty, nasty little hands have touched and Alex got sick. Vomit. Everywhere. I knew it was just a matter of time before poor little Mallory and her preemie immune system got it.
Mother's Day. Mallory woke up with a 101.3 fever and Alex had a relapse...vomit. This time in my bed and on Sam!! Sam desperately needed a bath so I snuck him away long enough to send him through the washer & dryer. Luckily, Mallory never threw up but she felt badly and her nose is still running. We have a play date on Friday so I hope her nose is cleared up by then.
And now...I have the man-child in bed sick. He has a Man Cold. Please click on Man Cold. This is my husband...just not british. You see, I have taken care of all of these sick people and yet.
I'm. Not. Sick.
And do you know why? Because if I get sick. Who is there to take care of me? I think that is why God gives Mother's super human strength and immunity systems. Because if we get sick we are screwed.
So...I am almost caught back up and Thank Cards are going out today.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Ka Ching!
Fox News, with their fair and balanced reporting has the best headline I have ever seen!
Stay-At-Home Mom Worth Nearly $117,000 a year!!
Pretty Good for not having a job huh?
Ka Ching!!
Stay-At-Home Mom Worth Nearly $117,000 a year!!
Pretty Good for not having a job huh?
Ka Ching!!
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