See, See my playmate,
Come out and play with me
And bring your dollies three
Climb up my apple tree
Slide down my rain barrel
Into my cellar door
And we'll be jolly friends
Forever more!!
Since Mom's Club didn't want me...I decided to form my own club and put an ad for Mommy Friend's Wanted on Meetup.com. Here is what it says.
Hi! I'm a married mom of two brilliant children looking for people to chat and eat delicious, preferably chocolate desserts with. The ideal friends will have passion for parenting and a great sense of humor. A love of reality television and a willingness to get out of your pajamas and go to the park with the kids is a must. I'm a Mom's Club Reject that is fairly new to Utah and needs some adult conversation. I like hanging out with my husband but I need some real friends!
I have a 2-year old boy and a 1-year old girl and they would like to meet some like-minded children to play and eat cookies with. We are looking forward to a fun summer of going to the pool, parks and other fun activities!
If you would like to meet up for some summer fun and make some friends, please contact me! If you have been rejected by Mom's Club you are welcome here! Come to a Moms Meetup to share experiences, find advice, give support and make new friends. All moms are welcome!

You should have heard the squeal that came out of Alex's mouth when we turned into the parking lot of the park. He was so excited!! Here he is just after he and Elle greeted each other. I think he was jealous of the size of her pacifier!

Alex pulled me over to the swings and I put him on one of the big kid swings and told him to hang on tight!! He did great! Then when we were walking back to the group...he broke free and ran back...running right in front of a kid that was swinging. I can still see it happening if I close my eyes. The swinging kid's Dad and I were both running to Alex but neither of us could get to him in time. BAM. Alex was hit and knocked to the ground. Good thing little kids are made of rubber!! He is fine Nana....just has a mark on the side of his head. An expired juice box and some yogurt covered raisins and he was all better!
It's 73 degrees and sunny in Dallas today!
Only 22 more days until Grandma and Grandpa come to visit!!
I SO wish you lived in Houston Connie!!!
NO! I wish you lived in St. Louis :)
ReplyDeleteAlthough we don't (yet) have kids, I'm sure I will be a Mom's club reject.
I'm not a good conformist, nor do I act in ways that are usually conducive to being friends with bitchy moms.