Today is my 4 year Blogiversary! I started out with a little blog that was supposed to be an update for family in Colorado and Texas....but no one was reading it.
Dang people with no computer skills!
Then I started forwarding links to friends and found other blogs to read and the rest is history!
I love this place that has evolved over time and the friends that I've made and never met (yet!).
Thank you for allowing me to share my family, my thoughts and my stories with you. And thank you for caring about us and being more like a family to me than I've ever know.
A few weeks ago, I became aware of someone named Carol Tuttle. She is based out of Utah and has written books about Energy Profiling. I put her book,
It's Just My Nature!
on hold at the library and read it last Saturday....yes, in one day! She categorizes people into 4 types. One of these is generally your dominate and then you will have other types that are secondary!
Each type described a person in our family! I read passages to to iKeith all morning and lightbulbs kept going off. Yes, this is why you (insert annoying thing you do here) and here is how we should handle it.
I am a type 3. I have high energy and take action to get things done. I love making lists and marking things off! I also like to get rid of things that are no longer useful. I'm competitive, friendly and talkative. I walk fast and know where everything is!
Keith is a type 4. He is an authority on everything and is able to focus for long periods of time. He is very aware of structure and demands perfection. He is private, disciplined and uncompromising. Sees things as black or white and can be perceived as cold and unfriendly.
Alex is a type 2. He is very concerned with details, easy-going and slow moving. Sensitive to the environment and picky with food. Not adaptable to change and likes to be comfortable. Excellent at planning and following through. Asks a million questions!
Mallory is a type 1. She is inspiring, fun-loving and hopeful. She is optimistic, comes up with great ideas and is entertaining. Is great at making plans and is very disorganized.
Did you see yourself in any of these descriptions? The book is much more in depth and goes into great detail about how to handle each type. For example, type 2 people need time to think things through and are slow moving. Telling them to hurry up (how many times have I said this to him) makes them shut down.
I finished reading
Don't Breathe a Word: A Novel
by Jennifer McMahon last week. It was soooo good! It took me no time to read because I couldn't put it down. It's a mystery set in Vermont and it's kind of about fairies. But not the cute little pixies that we know and love from Disney movies.
The first person (in the United States of American) that
emails me and tells me
what kind of company I worked for in my embarrassing vlog from yesterday....wins the book! Mimi wins the book!