There was so much going on here last week! I can't believe she doesn't remember.
First of all....I graduated from my baby carseat to my Big Girl Carseat! It is so comfortable and has a lot more room. I feel asleep in almost as soon as we drove away from our house. The best part of this is that i don't have to sit RIGHT NEXT TO Erick anymore. He can't reach me and take away my toys and blankets. The bad thing is that I am right behind Mommy's seat and she can't reach me.
We also got a sweet 40 inch LCD Flat Screen TV last week. And we got Apple TV for it. Daddy is very happy. He loves technology! The Wonder Pet's have never looked so good!
This weekend, I decided to start standing. Just for 10-15 seconds at a time but I am so incredibly proud of myself! I am going to be walking before you know and then watch out world because here comes Meggie Moo!!!
I also decided to start talking more. I say down and I say it at the right time, like when we are leading Erick down the stairs. Mommy says it is funny that my first real word is down and Erick's first real work was UP! This weekend, I got stuck on the stairs. It was mainly Erick's fault....he was in my way. Daddy came along to rescue me and he asked me if I was stuck. I said STUCK...several times. You should have seen my parents clapping and cheering their fool heads off.
Look at this picture.
Can you believe that we have not heard from Regis and Kelly yet? We are supposed to be in New York to appear on the show in ONE week. They better call me quick so I can get my gymboree outfits together. It takes a bit of time to look this cute.
I know you all love to hear about me but I have a brother so I thought I would share a picture of him too. He ate his first apple today and he did a great job.
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I love you. You are my best friend! Your hair looks fantastic today!