What fun Christmas is with two babies! I really don't feel like I have ever REALLY celebrated Christmas before now. They say that Christmas is for the children and they are right! And my kids don't really know what is going on yet. Imagine the fun we will have when they understand what Christmas is all about and know who Santa Claus is. I'm just so excited for that time! And thinking about it gives me BABY FEVER....but I just go sit down with a drink until that feeling goes away.
Keith's Mom (aka Nana), Dad (aka Poopa), Brother Andrew (aka An Jew) and Brother Robert (aka Roooob Bert) came from Denver to spend the holiday's with us. Robert and Mary flew in on Friday night and Keith and Alex picked them up from the airport. Somehow...my darling husband came home with a bathroom key on a long chain from a Gas Station that I am thinking of turning into a Christmas Ornament! Alex had a great time going to the airport and I'm thinking he must think that both of his Grandma's live there.

We were going to go see Santa Claus at Bicentennial Park in North Ogden but Mallory had an ear infection and I didn't think she should be out in the 20 degree weather. I figured since they don't know who he is and Alex is a little freaked out by Poopa's beard, that it wasn't a big deal to miss this!

We had great couple of days hanging out and eating. Not to brag, but I cooked and baked my butt off and everything turned out pretty good. Keith and the kids had all been sick prior to our family's arrival so I was trying really hard not to get sick. I credit lots of good wine and Airborne with staying illness free. Plus, I didn't have time to be sick!

The kids had to start opening gifts a day early because they had sooo many presents to open! These kids are loved deeply and very spoiled! I am so happy that they received many beautiful outfits, outfits which Alex would toss behind him when opening. He could care less about clothes! Bring on the toys!!
After a yummy dinner of Ham, Scalloped Potatoes, Watergate Salad and Corn....we watched the kids open their gifts. Mallory happens to be better at removing paper than Alex. He gets impatient and wants to move on to the next gift! Then we put them to bed and opened the adult presents! Everyone got so many nice things and I was spoiled again this year. Thanks Rob!
It began snowing on Christmas Eve around 2pm so we had a beautiful white Christmas. There have been so many times that I have wished for snow on Christmas! The mountains around our house look so amazing with all of the snow. I love it as long as I don't have to go anywhere!
Christmas Day, the kids found gifts under the tree from Santa and we went through our stockings! Alex is not impressed with his new bike but he loves his Tickle Me Elmo!