Monday, December 28, 2009

2010 New Years Resolutions

I love a fresh slate.

I've always been open to change and enjoy making adjustments to make our lives better.

This must be why I've been making resolutions since I was a teen!

Looks like I made some last year too.....

hmmmm...I didn't do very well.  Let's try again this year!

1.   Read More Books....
I'm in a nice routine right now of reading for an hour before bed.  I'm loving it!

2.   Learn to Ski...
Currently working hard to lose weight so I can do this.

3.  Lose 30 pounds....
See #2

4.  More Whoopee...
I'm planning a romantic trip with hubby, but we need to *do it* more than once a month.

5.  Take a Cake Decorating Class.....
I want to make a kickass Gingerbread House next year and I'd like to make my kids' birthday cakes....but I need skills!

6.  Focus on the Family....
My monthly plan to keep my family on track and make 2010 the best year ever! Click HERE for the details so you can join in.
So I asked Alex and Mallory what their resolutions are and here's what they said:


1.  Eat more Pizza
2.  Eat more Grapes
3.  Love


1.  Be a Princess
2.  Scream more
3.  Ride my bike

Run on over to Nanny Goats In Panties and join the Resolution party! And this time...mean it!  And Linky up with Amber Filkins for Friend Makin Monday!


  1. I stopped making New Years Resolutions a while ago. I make New Day Resolutions now and the big fall isn't as tragic (lol).

    Enjoy the remaining of 2009!

  2. I am loving your monthly keeping your family on track!!

  3. I suspect that if your Make Whoopee resolution keeps up, then so will Mallory's "scream more" resolution :)

    I KID! I KID!

    Craig said your first resolution should be to take your Walmart pic and post it on facebook. In his words, "PAY UP CONNIE!"

    We love you!

  4. Have a Happy New Year and I hope you complete each and every goal!

  5. Have I mentioned that I love your new header picture? So gorgeous!!! Anyway, I'm still working on my list. Exercise has got to be on it somewhere, though! And focusing on the family is my top priority always. :)

  6. more whoopee!!!!! Love it!!!!!!!!!! Woo hoo!!!!

  7. haha.. what a list.
    Hope you accomplish all of it!

    Wishing you an amazing 2010!!

  8. I'm not good with resolutions. I feel like it highlights my failures. :( How pitiful did that sound?

    I made Baby Girl's cake for her bday. It was easy. But then I didn't really care what it looked like. And I still need to post that picture.

  9. Good List. Learning to Ski is a good one! I love skiing, just hate the cold!

  10. Make more whoopee...burn more calories...go skiing! You have to start some where! :)

    Great resolutions! Good luck keeping them!

    Was sent from {Ae Filkins} for FMM!

  11. Love your list! I tried skiing a couple times, not the best outcome! Hope your skiing adventure goes better then mine!
    Happy New Year!

  12. Hi, I'm stopping over from Nanny Goats/Margaret's. Great New Years Resolutions! I especially love "Be a Princess" :-)

    Happy New Year

  13. Lol, "scream more", love it. I should have "scream LESS" on mine. I'll post some resolutions in a couple of days, still thinking about them.

    I don't make birthday cakes anymore. I have discovered that giant sugar cookies are easier to make (even homemade) and much easier to decorate since you don't have to worry about smashing it like cake. And you can cut the cookie into whatever shape you want before you bake it. Much cheaper than buying special shaped cake pans.

  14. Im sure the hubs will appreciate the more whoopee!! By this time next year he will be the one saying " WHOOOOPEEEEEEEEEEE!"

  15. I love your "More Whoopee" resolution and I'll bet the hubby does too! My skiing days are over, though. I'm too scared of running into a tree, Sonny Bono style.

    Thanks so much for participating in the resolution party, Connie!

    - Margaret

  16. Bwahaha at number 4. And also I love Alex's list.

  17. Stopped by from Nanny Goats in Panties to read your goals (good ones by the way) and saw the SITS button!!! More Whoopee is one way to get your way more often-just sayin. Go for that cake decorating class goal-I did and now I teach. It's a blast, and you get so sick of cake and icing you don't want sweets-great way to accomplish goals 2 & 3!!!

  18. Yay, I'm just going to copy Mallory's. Sounds good to me. :)

  19. Ahahahahaha I am sure my BF would love me to have number 4 on my list too! Great list =D

    Happy FMM =D

  20. Love, love your list! Hope that you and your family have a great 2010. Have a great week!

  21. Dang! I suppose now I have to come up with some.

    I'd like to make more whoopee too, but I need to find a partner first...

  22. Oh my word Mallory - scream more? We've got that covered here at my house! Love your list, I need to steal some of them :)

  23. I love the kids lists, too! Especially the pizza!!!!!!

  24. Loving the focus on the family idea (and the family photo!). So glad Calvin made you feel so special - you ARE a dedicated and loving mom.

  25. "Be a princess." That is awesome. That's my new year's resolution too!!

  26. I think your family first program is off to a great start - just look at Alex's list: he want to love more... You are such a great mom!!

  27. I want to eat more pizza, have more whoopee and be a princess too. You have some awesome resolutions. Mine are boring by comparison. I need to think outside of the box.

  28. These sound awesome. You're off to an excellent start to 2010. I wish I could say the same. Thanks for the inspiration. Keri

  29. I think the kids have the best idea: live life OUT LOUD, with relish!

    Good luck to you in your endeavors. (I came over from Nanny Goats)..I feel encouraged that we're all doing it together!!

  30. I love your 2010 resolutions, I think you need to add one more to that: meet blog friend Michelle in 2010 :) and guess what? Our favorite show is starting up very soon. Bachelor post's here we come! :) Love ya! xoxo

  31. Hahaa!! I'm with the kids! More grapes and love! Lol. Hope u have a happy new year! Xo

  32. Sounds like these are ongoing resolutions that you didn't complete this year.

    Good luck on achieving them all.

    Happy New Year!

  33. Good luck on your resolutions! I am blogging my way through my very personal resolutions this year:

    I'm rooting for you!

  34. I hope Alex gets to eat lots of pizza! Good luck to you, too!


I love you. You are my best friend! Your hair looks fantastic today!